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- - By Sequotiafolk Date 19-07-2023 17:50
After several years away with two Coachman caravans we are now thinking of returning to an Eriba caravan.
Early days so in the next few weeks , months we may be looking for a Troll...
Parent - - By eribaMotters (£) Date 19-07-2023 20:22
Peter/Lesley, welcome back. Have you thought about a Feeling. I've just bought one after 4 Tourings over the last 20 years.
The space is wonderful, except the bathroom, the build quality a step up, it tows even better than my Triton did and spec for spec against a Troll it is about £6k to £8K cheaper.

Parent - By Sequotiafolk Date 09-08-2023 19:56
hi Colin
For us it has to be the classic Tourer, thus the larger of the classics the Troll.
One of the reasons we're thinking of going back to an Eriba is because of the iconic status of the classic.
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