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- - By michaelneve Date 27-09-2023 09:43
Hi, having previously owned Knaus caravans we bought our first Eriba in May this year. We have bought a 2019 Troll 542 and after just a couple of trips are really pleased with our purchase. Have joined the forum to learn from the experts. I have read a few threads and have increased my Eriba knowledge already. Many thanks Mick.
Parent - By 430gt Date 20-10-2023 16:22
Welcome Mick

Glad you are pleased with your Eriba.  They are different to other caravans and can (for some) take a little getting used to but it doesn't take long.  We upgraded from a Pennine Folder Camper so the Eriba (430GT) ticked all our boxes while keeping that compact and airy feel whilst adding some luxuries.
Up Topic General Chat / Welcome - A place to say Hi - Visible Externally! / New Member

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