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Up Topic General Chat / Welcome - A place to say Hi - Visible Externally! / New member from Barcelona (Spain)
- - By cocosweb Date 16-07-2024 13:25
Dear all, my name is Sergi, nick's long history :lol:

Ok, after more than 17 years with motorhome, we come back to the caravan, our dream always was a Eriba touring, in 2019, we start with a Triton 430 GT (2003), but after 7 m length of our motorhome Pilote, we decided to look a bigger one, finally, in 2021 we move to Troll 550 GT (2008).

I found this forum from and I will try to find some doubts and as well as help in whatever way I can.

In Spain, in general, just a few units of eriba touring are running if we compare with Uk, France and Germany, and normally, is more easy for us to find more information about this caravans.

Many thanks in advance for accepting my register.
Parent - By cocosweb Date 08-08-2024 11:55
Dear all, it seems that foreign people is not welcoming to this forum.

Any reply in more than 3 week, the rest of new members have minimum one, could be only for "confirm" that could be a new member for learning and/or teaching something about eribas.

In any case, thanks for reading me and goodbye.

To the admin, could you delete my account?

Best regards
Parent - By 430gt Date 22-08-2024 19:17
Welcome @cocosweb

I'm sorry nobody else has already responded to you but "don't panic".

This eribaforum is a welcoming place but also a lower activity site as well.

Don't write us off yet.

Up Topic General Chat / Welcome - A place to say Hi - Visible Externally! / New member from Barcelona (Spain)

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